Daw course

Be ready to start your distorted musical road

D.A.W. course

Are you a starting producer and would you like to know all the ins and outs of a D.A.W?! Don’t wait any longer. Our team will guide you through your D.A.W in no time. Our team wrote a course especially made for your favorite D.A.W.

Most producers have lots of problems in the beginning of their new hobby or D.A.W switch. Stop f*cking around and join our 1 on 1 private course. This will save you a lot of irritation and headache!

This level of knowledge is needed before starting a private lesson or course with Never Surrender or Bright Visions.


3 hours



€65,- (ex.vat)
per hour

LILS | Logic pro

Lils is a true master when it comes to Logic Pro. He is trained by several people in the past year. Would you like to know everything about Logic Pro and build a template inside it in only 3 lessons?! Click the button below and plan the course!

s-kill | Ableton

s-kill is a true master when it comes to Ableton. Besides releasing a lot of music he really knows all ins and outs from this D.A.W. Would you like to know everything about Ableton and build a template inside it in only 3 lessons?! Click the button and plan the course!



DJ LX | CUbase

DJ LX is a true master when it comes to Cubase. He started working a long time ago in cubase 2! Would you like to know everything about Cubase and build a template inside it in only 3 lessons?! Click the button below and plan the course!


DETAINED is a true master when it comes to FL Studio. After following several NS audio courses and making lots of progress on his own music. He became a true master in FL Studio. Would you like to know everything about FL Studio and build a template inside it in only 3 lessons?! Click the button below and plan the course!

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NS Audio | Never Surrender
Average rating:  
 33 reviews
 by Michael Warning

Detained(Darrel) Als Leraar gehad voor mijn daw course in FL Studio. Niks op aan te merken. Darrel legt alles goed uit en heeft een hele goede energie. Met zijn handvaten ben ik een stuk verder gekomen en ik zou dit iedereen aanraden die net beginnend is of van Daw moet overstappen.

 by Lennart

Ik heb les gehad van Darrell, dit is zeer goed bevallen. Alles word duidelijk uitgelegd op een gemoedelijke manier. Al je vragen worden tijdens de les beantwoord en je maakt kennis met de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van je DAW! Thanks !

 by Laurens

I took the DAW-course for FL studio done by Darrell (Detained). It was a perfect starter course and he gave me good insights how to properly use the DAW. He makes sure you know if you really understand what he says by asking questions about what has been explained. Good teacher and quality course.

 by Cédric (LATUNE)

Just finished up the Logic Pro course with Jelle (DJ LILS) and i am very happy of what i learned during these 3 hours.
Jelle was very professional and a very good teacher, he could answer to all of my questions and explain the answers in a clear manner.
Thanks NS Audio and Jelle for bringing such good quality course 🙂

 by Luuk Melgers

Gezellige en leerzame FL studio DAW gehad bij Detained. Hij legt goed uit waar alles staat en vraagt ook goed door of ik het echt begrijp. Zeker het geld waard als je een beginnende producer bent!

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